As for the actual story, I don't currently have a solid plot thought up, but I do know that it'll likely involve a small group of Inner Sphere mercs performing various contracts, such as pirate hunting missions. The thread will also be set around 3049. I'm keeping the story relatively vague and open ended right now to facilitate the free-form writing I hope to see, but I am certainly up for discussion on more specifics and particulars.
Is there anyone interested? I know I've spoken to a couple of you, and I've gotten commitments from two others, so I'll be looking to start up this thread in a week or so. If you're interested, please post a reply in this thread.
Command Lance
Command One: Felix Maan - Undetermined 'Mech - (Highlighter)
Command Two: John "Mac" McQuillen - Atlas - (Dreadstar)
Command Three: NPC
Command Four: Nelson Tibbitz - Jagermech - DocBach
Aero One: Isis Sinclair - Stingray - (Pryde, if he shows up)
Aero Two: NPC
Alpha Lance
Alpha One: Kurt Mauser - Cyclops - (Janitor01)
Alpha Two: Cornelius - Marauder - (Charles Martel)
Alpha Three: Joe Kurtz - Blackjack - (Joe Davion 86)
Alpha Four: Orson Rhodes - Hermes II - Thom Frankfurt
Bravo Lance
Bravo One: Hanyit Greyhame - Blackjack - (Hanyit Greyhame)
Bravo Two: Barret Sender - Vindicator - (MacabreDerek)
Bravo Three: Chris Wolf - Warhammer - (Guardian Wolf)
Bravo Four: Xinaoen - Wolfhound - (Xinaoen)
Edited by Highlighter, 25 April 2012 - 06:26 PM.